After 7 glorious years of Xbox LIVE I have accumulated a Gamerscore of 29,988.
For the sake of this post let's round that up to 30,000.
This full calendar year I will try to double that score and bring it up to a cool 60k.
That works out to be 2500/month or about 82/day. So that works out to be about 3 games a month.
I will update the blog periodically to track my progress on what I'm playing and how much I scored from each game.
Current Gamerscore: 43,958
(to go 16,042)

Hitman: Absolution 290 (1000/1000)
Halo 4 50
NBA Live '07 650
Pirates of the Caribbean:

At World's End 1000 (1000/1000)
LEGO Batman 1000 (1000/1000)
LEGO Lord of the Rings 565
January review.
- I found out that sports games are a lot harder if you don't know the rules to the actual sport.
- The LEGO series games are fantastic. They are great at bringing the selected universe to life and manage to throw in a good amount of humor. If you love LEGO or any of the franchises that they have adapted you should give them a try.
Completed games, (January) = 3
Points earned, (January) = 3555 (+1055)
LEGO Lord of the Rings 435 (1000/1000)
Battlefield 3 150
Ghost Recon A.W. 2 270
February review.
- I dove back into Battlefield 3 this month, after a 3 month break, hence such the low scores. I did manage to grab a few achievements from BF3 from the new expansion
Completed games, (February) = 1
Points earned, (February) = 855 (-590)
Ghost Recon A.W. 2 230
Gears of War: Judgement 310
Bully: Scholarship Edition 380
March review.
- I picked up GoW:J so that net me a handful of points for this month, and I will continue to play that for a while. If there is any universe I am totally engrossed in it is that of Gears.
- I have fallen a bit behind these last few months (I am 590 points behind schedule). I have been preoccupied with real life stuff. Hopefully now I will be able to get back into a groove. Might have to go pick up some more LEGO games to buff up the score a bit.
- Went back and played Bully, an old Rockstar game. It's pretty much GTA set in a private school. Good "clean" fun.
Completed games, (March) = 0
Points earned, (March) = 920 (-2170)
Bully: Scholarship Edition 620 (1000/1000)
Gears of War: Judgement 30
Battlefield 3 70
April review.
- Finished off Bully and went back into Battlefield to play the new expansion. I got stuck there for a while until a friend came over and we played some Gears multiplayer. I had blasted through the Gears campaign and never really gave the MP a chance. Now I am in the process of playing through the campaign on insane difficulty and finding the collectibles before focusing on the MP achievements.
Completed games, (April) = 1
Points earned, (April) = 720 (-3950)
Jumper: Griffon's Story 750
Prince of Persia
The Forgotten Sands 920
Gears of War: Judgement 10
X-Men Origins: Wolverine 550
May review.
- I picked up Jumper, based off Jumper the movie, from Future Shop for a mere $5, it was on clearance, and after playing for an hour or so I see why. Shoddy controls, obscure camera angles, lackluster environments, repetitive game play. Why play it then? Well in the hour+ I played I managed to net 400 GS. A few weeks ago we had a discussion at work about super powers, when the idea of having the power to teleport came up the next question was do you teleport like Nightcrawler or like Jumper?
- Blew through PoP, fairly easy, only missed 3 achievements, I couldn't be bothered to replay the whole game for 80 points.
- Picked up another 10 from Gears when I had a friend over playing.
- Working on Wolverine currently, it is actually a pretty decent game, considering cross overs don't do to well, I think the game is better than the movie actually.
Completed games, (May) = 0
Points earned, (May) = 2230 (-4220)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine 450 (1000/1000)
Bastion 200 (200/200)
King Kong 1000 (1000/1000)
TMNT 1000 (1000/1000)
State of Decay 390
Deadpool 150
June Review
- This happened to be a fairly productive month, managing to get through almost 4 complete games.
- I finished mopping up the remaining achievements from Wolverine. It is basically a playable version of the movie, and it's actually a pretty good movie adaptation.
- Bastion is a great arcade title. Story and music were fantastic. If you haven't checked out this critically acclaimed little indie game you need to!
- TMNT was fun, not much more than that. It too was basically like playing the movie.
- State of Decay just needs one more, which will require starting a new game. It is a wicked single player zombie game, totally worth checking out. Upgrading bases, scavenging for supplies, multiple zombie types. A really fun XBLA game. They are also in the process of turning it into a multiplayer/MMO game.
- Deadpool is in the process, super fun and hilarious game, also worth checking out. If you love Deadpool this then you need to play this. Cameos from other Marvel characters, some crazy game mechanics that really make sense, all in all a great game for a simple beat-em-up style game.
Completed games, (June) = 4
Points earned, (June) = 3190 (-3530)
Deadpool 670
Walking Dead: 400 Days 100 (600/600)
Batman: Arkham Asylum 185
XCOM: Enemy Unknown 200
July Review
- I finished off Deadpool and tried to do some clean up but it didn't go so well.
- I had started Batman on hard and started having trouble...that seems to be the end of that game.
- I finally picked up XCOM and was well worth it.
Completed games, (July) = 1
Points earned, (July) = 1155
XCOM: Enemy Unknown 245
GTA IV Expansions 10
Dead Rising 2 120
August Review
- I finished the XCOM campaign but couldn't be bothered to do the clean up and replays for full points
- I had picked up the GTA IV expansions in hopes of finishing them before GTA V such luck.
- Dead Rising 2 was free for Gold members so I picked that up. I had played the first one and the pre DLC for 2 so I figured why not. Who doesn't love some good zombie killing.
Completed games, (August) = 0
Points earned, (August) = 375
Dead Rising 2 220
GTA V 445
September Review
- Tried to do as much as I could in Dead Rising before GTA V dropped mid month
- I managed to finish the campaign in roughly 40 hours, as well as almost finish off all the single player achievements just in Sept. I think I had 2 or 3 single player achievements in Oct.
Completed games, (September) = 0
Points earned, (September) = 665
GTA V 305
October Review
Completed games, (October) = 0
Points earned, (October) = 305